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Nafed- As National Implementing Agency under CSS of Formation and Promotion of 10,000 FPOs

NAFED is working as Implementing Agency for Central Sector Scheme of Formation and Promotion of 10,000 FPOs under Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare (MoA&FW), Govt. of India.

The objective of the scheme is to enhance productivity through efficient, cost-effective and sustainable resource use and realize higher returns through better liquidity and market linkages for their produce and become sustainable through collective action.

FPO is a generic name, which means and includes farmer- producers’ organization incorporated/ registered either under Part IXA of Companies Act or under Co-operative Societies Act of the concerned States and  formed for the purpose of leveraging collectives through economies of scale in production and marketing of agricultural and allied sector.

Main activities by Nafed under this project:

  1. Promoting more than 1200 FPOs in Pan India
  2. More than 100 CBBOs are empanelled
  3. Promoting Special category FPOs like Honey, Bamboo and Agro-forestry, Organic, Oil seed etc
  4. Establishing Honey Corridor from Jammu & Kashmir to Arunachal Pradesh
  5. Matching Equity Amount of Rs 6.4 Cr Released to 174 FPOs
  6. More than 100 FPOs started Business activities
  7. Success Stories of few FPOs
    1. Bankinadi agrofed farmer producer company limited
    2. Dwaraka palm oilfed producer company limited
    3. Good fruit farmer producer company
    4. Gopadma fed farmer producer company limited
    5. Jai hind madukkarai coconut fed. Farmer producer company ltd.
    6. Kandi area fed fruits and vegetables pcl
    7. Laxminarayana swamy jainath fed farmer producer company limited
    8. Leaf and bud organic tea fed farmer producer company limited
    9. Makudam turmeric fed farmer producer company limited
    10. Malanadan farmers producer company limited
    11. Mundeshwari fed farmers producer company limited
    12. Panchane fed farmer producer company limited
    13. Soron fed farmer producer company limited
    14. Saanjhadela fed farmer producer company limited






Above pictures: Regional review of CBBOs to be attended by  Nafed officials and various CBBOs


                        Honey Corridor being developed by Nafed by promoting 65 Honey FPOs under CSS 10000 FPO scheme.